  • Jim LEE
  • Sun
  • Ice
  • Jase
  • Mint
  • Alice
The son of Simon Lee who is a hero of the planet of qilun. Partner with LIEYAN.Naturally optimistic, with a strong explosive force.
Genius star,Excellent fisc shooter.Is a character calm, arrogant people.During the battles,he make friends with Jim LEE and lieyan,and gradually becoming concerned and valued companions.
a trustworthy companion,partner with langxing,Mystical,powerful unsociable and silent.Very concerned about his partner and brother. For the most precious brother, even if give all his own, he will not hesitate to do so.
Partner with Yingyan.Smart disc shooter,Math wizard,have a wealth of knowledge.Good at data analysis in battle to make the most appropriate combat plan. A trusted advisor
Partner with xiongyan,greedy,timid,proficient in ancient martial arts,tall and strong,good at the same hand and foot martial arts.Become friends with jim and lieyan,together shoulder the task of saving the planet of qilun.
a traditional puppeteer,partner with lansha,active,love to help friends,good at working with teammates,nimble, has strong control over the wheel.
  • LieYan
  • ShiWang
  • LangXing
  • YingYan
  • XiongYan
  • LanSha
The hero of the planet of qilun,it's the fire attribute disc shooter.Partner with Jim,optimistic and strong,attaches great importance to the company.He and jim worked together to protect their companions and rescue the planet of qilun with their own strength.
Partner with Sun,it's the gold attribute disc shooter.Have a strong strength,calm, gentle, often help Sun speak out the voice,the superstar fans of Sun.
Comes from the Sirius galaxy,partner with zhiao,it's the dark attribute disc shooter.Slipped into Origin star family as a spy for the secret task given by Simon lee and gary wu.
Partner with zhishi,it's the wind attribute disc shooter,a reliable partner.Have a sharp observation,at the critical moment, it can give zhsihi the inspiration to solve the problem, help to advise the companion.
Partner with Mint,it's the soil attribute disc shooter and also Mint's yonger brother,Very honest and kind,eager to help others. He was qualified for the selection of the earth,rapid gaowth during the selection of the earth.
Partner with Alice,it's the water attribute disc shooter.With accurate shooting ability, can cooperate seamlessly with alice's excellent handling ability.Together with Alice and other partners to save the planet of the qilun.